Thad, Sara and Elianna Tucker are working in Northwest Botswana. This family, originally from rural Alaska, have teamed with GoSendMe Global as well as Word to Africa and Every Nation ministries.
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor.” Isaiah 61:1
There they are ministering to the San Bushman tribes that are mostly unreached rural villages. They are sharing the gospel message and discipling new believers. As well as the Word of God they also teach skills that the people may use to improve living conditions.
Thad’s versatile background in farming and logging makes for lots of trades that he is happy to teach including carpentry, welding, farming and mechanics. These skills also enable them to live off the grid in this remote Kalahari village.
Some of the greatest needs in these remote areas are basic food and clothing. One of the effective methods they use is to trade necessary items for local made handcrafts. Then the people, who are within traditional culture, are proud of the accomplishment and aren’t receiving handouts. The jobs are limited so most are not employed or making any source of income. This builds a foundational trust that God is their provider and not just the mission.
“If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them ‘depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but do not give them the thins which are needed for the body what does it profit?” James 2:15-16
Sara is also skilled in education as a homeschool mom for over 20 years. She will be supporting the preschools and teachers in each of the five surrounding villages, as well as working with primary schools when the opportunity arises. In the past years she was supporting the kids learning English and assisting with special needs classes.
“A righteous man regards the life of his animal but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” Proverbs 12:10
Elie’s heart’s desire is to improve the care of the local village pets. As the people are poor and needy you can imagine the pets are even more so. She has taken it on herself to contact the Animal Welfare office in the larger town and they hope to provide basic vet care services of flea and tick dipping and vaccinations as well as sterilisation to the village when she receives approval by the village council. She also has requested support to provide dog food to the most needy.
Please prayerfully support for this family as they follow God’s call on their lives to reach out to the hurting.
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GoSendMe Global
PO Box 913106
Sherman, TX 75091
Make the check out to GoSendMe Global. Please write Tucker name on a separate note included with the check. Do not write the name on the check.
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